Helping your organisation to reach its potential is our goal.

Since 1989, Sysco has succeeded in exceeding our client’s expectations by providing outstanding products and services; thereby sustaining a long term viable business. Find out all about us.

Sysco is able to provide Leadership & Management and Chartered Institute of Housing training in the North West of England, and is also able to offer businesses accredited and bespoke courses in Leadership & Management and Housing. In addition, we are also able to train staff in areas such as Business Administration, Health and Social Care, Customer Service, Warehousing, Health & Safety and Information Technology, helping to grow your business and upskill staff. We do this through a number of channels including Traineeships, Study Programmes, Apprenticeships, Short Courses and Workplace Learning. Find out all about us and our approach below.

facts and Figures

Numbers speak for themselves

Years of Experience
Staff Supported

Quality comes first! All of our courses are bespoke and tailored to your organisation. Our focus is 100% on client needs and satisfaction.


Sysco promote and embed the use of technology to support learning, management and delivery. We use technology as an integral aspect of the learning process using the following measures. Sysco monitor the development of the digital environment – adopting state of the art MI systems, spotting new technologies and ensuring we have digitally capable staff. We also aim to develop the digital skills of delegates by training them to use new digital technology

Delegates are encouraged to take ownership of their qualification and the e-portfolio system has a smart phone App. This allows learners to access their portfolio evidence and contact diary using their phone and has the facility to photograph / video / record audio and upload straight to their portfolio.


Quality of delivery is paramount to Sysco. Sysco’s clients and learners have access to our e-portfolio system, ‘Learning Assistant’ which evidences how the training is progressing. Sysco also complete Red, Amber, Green (RAG) reports in addition to a scheduled monthly phone call and quarterly face to face reviews to discuss progress.

We appoint managers / mentors for each learner and encourage their attendance at 12-weekly Review Meetings to discuss progress against the learning plan and agree future steps. Where there are concerns in relation to the lack of learner progress, we communicate with our clients as soon as it is known and we work to manage these concerns and can support to narrow achievement gaps if they are identified against expected performance.

“Our Mission is to provide educational and training services that exceed all our stakeholders’ expectations in order to continue an aspirational and sustainable business”

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